
Mfr.Part #
Microchip Technology

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Manufacturer :
Microchip Technology
Product Category :
Diodes - Variable Capacitance (Varicaps, Varactors)
Capacitance @ Vr, F :
0.4pF @ 6V, 1MHz
Capacitance Ratio :
Capacitance Ratio Condition :
Diode Type :
Mounting Type :
Surface Mount
Operating Temperature :
-55°C ~ 125°C
Package / Case :
2-SMD, Flat Lead
Product Status :
Q @ Vr, F :
Supplier Device Package :
Voltage - Peak Reverse (Max) :
15 V

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Hundreds of thousands of SKUs available. Covers various types of electronic components such as ICs, sensors, resistors, capacitors, etc. Fast delivery:

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Flexible logistics solutions, including express, air, and sea freight. Strong partnerships with reliable suppliers for a stable supply chain. Design support:

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